I know... I'm overloading you with all of the pictures right now, but I don't know when I'll have internet again to send out more messages! So here are my Venice pictures :) Enjoy!

Remember how I told you that Venice flooded the night that I was there?? Here are the pictures of it!!
You can tell how the whole main center square is flooded.
You can really see it in this picture! It was crazy! We had to walk up on staffolds, and there were people everywhere... and the locals were pushing past all of the tourists trying to take pictures.

This is the set where Brad Pitt is filming his next movie. We aren't sure which movie it is going to be, but we are betting there is going to be a scene in which Venice floods in it!

This is the Church of Redemption made out of white marble. It was made after the plague to thank god for taking the plague away. Every year during the 2nd weekend in July there is a celebration in this church thanking God.

Here is the main bell tower in Venice.

Here is a picture of St. Markis which is a GORGEOUS, stunning, breathtakingly beautiful church. It is AMAZING inside of it. You aren't allowed to take pictures of the inside, but the outside is beautiful as well.

Can you see the pictures that are enlined with gold? It's so pretty.

Here is a better view of the church.

Here is a zoomed in verison of the painting. This is only one of the paintings on the outside of the building when you walk into the church all of the walls of the church are decorated with pictures like this, and I'm not sure if you can tell in this picture but there is marble of all different shapes and colors surrounding the painting. If you want to see a beautiful church... I have to say this is probably the most beautiful church I've ever seen. St. Peters church is Rome is ... impressive... that is the best word for it (and I'll have a whole blog about it at a later date in time) but St. Markis was just lovely and I think St. Markis is even pretty than St. Peters... althought St. Peters is just massive and amazing. But for beauty St. Markis doesn't compare with any other church I've ever seen... and since I've been in Europe I've seen a TON of churches!! I think I've been inside church more times here than I ever have in my life at home...

Here is a Ventian glass demonstration. You'll see the man go through all the steps on making a glass horse below.

Rolling it.

Starting to shape it.

Almost done.

Final product. It was so awesome to see. He was an expert and he finished it really quickly. Very impressive.
You see these masks EVERYWHERE in Venice. Apparently, many years ago there was a threat to assassinate the ruler of Venice so when he heard he made everyone where masks to protect himself, and they caught on!

Here are masks that doctors wore during the plague. They put incents in the long nose to hopefuly ward off the plague.

Here I am in a gondola!

Here I am again, and you can see the guy in the back steering us.

Our serenaders!

My roommate.

Venice is connected by bridges. So you see these bridges everywhere!

Here is a cargo boat that is transporting goods to different places in Venice. They don't have any roads in Venice... only waterways so they use boats called "mouse boats" to deliver their goods throughout the city.

Here is a view of the city from a big bridge.

Here I am on top of the bridge.

I love this picture.

There is the giant bridge! It's shown in a lot of movies.

Here is a view of the square.

This is a picture in front of one of the MANY bridges in Venice.

I found the hardrock cafe!! Yippee!!! Nyree saw girls with Hard Rock bags and they brought us to it. :)
Hope you enjoyed a look into Venice! I'll try to get more updates up as I can!