Barcelona was a very cool place. It was interesting for me, because I have a little bit of a Spanish background from school. I was able to get around a lot easier in Spain than any other countries. However, Spanish people tend to only speak Spanish. English seems rare to come by... and I think it's really because they can't speak it... not because they are being snobby. Barcelona was a really big city, but it was fun to walk around at. The streets are really wide in the city, and it's set up really well. The whole city is a grid and all of the roads are straight. They say that it looks like a giant chessboard, and all streets lead to the main church. It's nice because the traffic flows pretty decently throughout the city... a lot less crazy than Rome!! I think the people in Spain are confident in their road systems because they cross the streets are risky times!! And it's not just one person...I noticed a lot of people crossing at busy places and just hoping the traffic didn't hit them haha.

This is the downtown area.

Near the same area. Vanessa and I both picked this spot to take pictures at... it wasn't until after we took the pictures that we noticed the lovely graffiti box next to us! As unlikely as it might seem there isn't even a fraction of the graffiti in Spain as there is in Rome!!! But the highways are filled with it. Just about every fence to block noise on the side of the road is covered with it! (Vanessa is Bobby's mom by the way)

The whole main street of Barcelona was filled with street performers! This guy was impressive, and extremely scary! He was scarying the crap out of everyone that walked past him. I'm pretty sure he was making a TON of money too...

I was just walking down the street and I hear this loud Cock-A-Doodle-Do and I looked around in disbelief like "Was that a rooster?? No... it couldn't be... I'm in the middle of the city" Then I heard it again and went to investigate and sure enough on the streets of Madrid you can buy your very own pet Rooster. Talk about a great souvnier!! Get ready everyone... I might be bringing ya back a rooster!! Haha. Think it will get through customs?? :)

Meet Christopher Columbus pointing towards Geneva... which is where he arrived after he discovered America.

Only in Barcelona do you see spray painted colorful pigeons. Haha actually this guy was the only one we spotted, but he was awesome so we all took pictures of him. Tourists?? Us??? No way... no one would guess haha.

Here I am with Barcelona in the background. It's a really big city.

Here's a little bit of a better view without me in the way. Barcelona also has a port.
This is the GIANT cathedral in Barcelona. It is still under construction. The front is incredibly decorated. The construction started in 1882 and it is called the Holy Family Church. If the funds keep coming in at the current rate they estimate it will take about another 25 years to complete it!

This is the top of it. When they are done they want to have 18 of those spires at the top!! It already looks ridiculous with the ones that it has on top of it already. You can spot it from a mile away. However, I do find it comforting that people still want to build a new gorgeous church in this day in age, because there are so many beautiful churches in Europe... but they are all old. Nothing nice is built now a days... so it's nice to see this being built.

This is a zoomed in verison of the church. All of the front reflects the birth and upbringing of Jesus.

You can see some of the spires better in this picture. Each spire represents a religous symbol. These for represent the four apostales.

Close up. I know in the pictures you can't really make it out, but the details are amazing.

This is Joseph teaching Jesus how to walk I believe.

This is the back of the church. Notice how different it is?? This is due to how long the builidng has been under construction. The front and back of the church had two different artists, and they both have dramatically different styles. The back of the church represents the death of Christ. It's a huge symbol of Barcelona.

Later on that night we went to a Flamenco show. Wish is all in Spanish and I couldn't really understand it, but it was still cool to see. They a very passionate about it, and they move extremely quickly. They also have snappers in there fingers to make a loud clicking noise, and they had all kinds of beautiful dresses. It was interesting to see... I don't know if I'd do it again though haha.

Part of the dance.

Right before he busted out into crazy fast tap dancing like moves. It was a fun night though. We had a buffet dinner, and sangria for the drink.... which is a mix of all kinds of different spirits and wine and fruit. I tried a bit of it and it wasn't too terrible but it was really strong! But that's the Spanish for ya :)