Thursday, April 8, 2010

Florence aka Firenze

So after my three part blog about Rome I don't feel like I have all that much to say about Florence. It really wasn't my favorite city that I've visited. To me it wasn't really anything all that special, and there wasn't anything there that particularly wowed me. To be fair I was really tired, my tour guide was boring, it was Easter, and it was cold and raining outside... With all of that said I will point out a couple highlights of Florence.

Behind me is the church called the Holy Cross, that Michelangiolo and Gallieo are buried in. Incase you don't know Gallieo was the man that said that the Earth orbits around the Sun and not the other way around. Michelangiolo is very famous for creating a lot of artworks including the Mona Lisa. Michelangiolo's body was brought to Florence by his nepthew to be buried in the city.

This is the plaque on Michelangiolo's house.

Alas this is the house that he lived in.

This is the building that it is rumored that he painted the Mona Lisa in.

This is one of the main buildings in Florence. Currently it holds the local government, but it has always been a stronghold for the government for many many years. Outside of this building are numerous statues. Quite a few are disturbing so I didn't bother taking pictures of them all.

The way these statues were placed reminded me of Medusa, because it looked like people were in mid-battle and frozen in place.

I mentioned this to some other people on tour, and right on cue my tour guide said "And this is a statue of Peresus killing Medusa" I was like SCORE! I knew it!! I'm pretty sure that Bobby thought I was odd, because he didn't know who Medusa was... so I had to tell him the story.

This is a replica of the famous statue David. The original is in Florence but I didn't go to see it. I felt that the copy was good enough for me, because I probably wouldn't have been able to tell the difference anyway.

Since we were here on Easter we got to see a couple of famous precessions go down the street. Fireworks also went off at a local church which was really cool to witness. I also got to see the alledged famous throwing of the flag ceremony... which only happens on special occasions like Easter and Christmas... so that was pretty cool.

This is a different procession. It seemed like we were always in the wrong place at the wrong time and only caught the tail end of the parades. Our local tour guide was much more interested in just reading her script than lining us up to be in the right places I guess... But it was really funny because we were chasing after these processions like we were paparizzi or something. I guess it's one of those "You had to be there" type of things to understand. Overall I guess Florence wasn't too bad. I just don't think that I'll be going back there anytime soon.

2024 In Review

 I love making these year in review blogs.  I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years.  It's such a nice summary of...