Here are my long overdue Switzerland pictures!! Enjoy!
Don't worry I only drove the boat for a few meters!! :)
Here is a good example of how beautiful Switzerland was... we were there in the middle of the day, and it was just beautiful!!
It was really bright out!! But the sky was so blue, and the mountains alongside the lake was just a gorgeous view. I'm so happy that I get to share it with everyone now!
Here is the statue of Jesus that I told you about...
You can see how all of the water around him is purer and clearer!! I wonder if that is a concidence or not...??
Here is a road view of the mountain.
Here is a view as I'm going up the mountain!!
Here is a view of me looking down the mountain when I got to the top!! Woohoo!! It was soooo cold up there, but it was really cool. And I got the best thing EVER up there!! They had a snowman with a Switzerland scarf on... you can only imagine how excited I was when I saw him... he is now in my snowman collection!
Here I am inside part of the REALLY carved out part.