Madrid has been the capital of Spain since 1561, and it is the largest city in Spain. There are a ton of people everywhere in Madrid. I liked Madrid. I have learned a lot about it all throughout school in Spanish class so it was interesting for me to walk around and see it.
They had Beatles music playing and they were moving the puppets to the music as if they were playing the songs!!
While we were in Madrid there was a major soccer game going on. My friends that I've made are HUGE soccer fans... it's a big deal in Australia, and actually around most of the rest of the world... I guess the USA hasn't really caught on to it yet. But Madrid was playing Barcelona which is a huge rivarly game, and the whole city was buzzing the whole day in anticipation for the game. It gets dark really late in Spain... like 9:30 pm so the game didn't start until 10 pm!!! And it was COMPLETELY sold out. My friend Bobby and his dad got lucky and ended up getting two tickets in seperate sections from each other, and got to go to the game. His mom, Vanessa, Nyree, and I went to the stadium a few minutes before kick off just to catch the atmosphere. People were EVERYWHERE! It was completely insane, but extremely exciting... You don't have to know anything about a sport to get excited about it when everyone else around you is pumped and cheering.