I know that I still have my blog on Paris and Edinburgh to complete, but today has been a day of relaxation. I went through my suitcase and looked through all of the things that I bought... then I went grocery shopping and made some yummy food!! I was shocked that I was actually happy to cook, and make my own food for a change. The food on my tour wasn't bad by any means... it just isn't what I would normally make for myself.
I was especially excited to get to drink some milk!! Now you might laugh at this, or wonder why I didn't drink milk while on my tour, and to tell you the truth I don't really have a good explanation. I'm sure that Europe has milk, but I just didn't really come across it at the places I was eating at. Most places had alcohol, pop, and water... So I mostly stayed with the water. I'm not a very big pop person to begin with so I've been drinking good old regular H2O... Or at least that's what I meant to do everyday. Abroad they have this AWFUL invention called "Sparkling or Fizzy" water. If you ever see this label RUN away from it! It is foul, nasty "water" that shouldn't even be allowed to be called water. The worst part is every hotel puts it out with the regular water during breakfast. So you'll have a lovely bottle of natural spring water, and then next to it you'll have a bottle of poison.
You have to be really careful about checking the labels. One morning I woke up, happy as a little peacock around 6:30 in the morning. And I was extremely thirsty, so I skipped right on down to breakfast and poured myself a BIG GIANT AMAZING glass of water. I was so happy for that water. So I started guzzling it down, and to my HORROR what was the water?? You guessed it! Fizzy water! Yuck! I know that I had to have made a disgusted face as I gagged on the toxic substance. The only probably that I had was I didn't have anywhere to put the glass, because I had my plate in one hand, and I had the glass of "water" that I desperately wanted in the other. So what to do? I shiftily glanced around, inspected the bottles around me, poured myself a natural glass of water, and happened to forget all about the other glass that I had poured. Then I continued along my merry little way to my seat with my real natural water.
Anyways, I digress... back to my blog. As I was saying... After drinking only NATURAL water for three weeks I was pretty excited for some flavor that the milk offered.
Another thing that I completely enjoyed today was a proper shower. Had I realized that not ONE hotel in Europe would have a wash rag in it... I would have taken one of my own. I hate taking showers without a wash cloth. To me it feels like I'm not getting clean. My roommate thought that I was crazy for wanting one, and she called it a face towel. Whatever. I use them for my whole body in the shower. I HATE using my hand as a wash cloth, and it was extremely annoying to me to have to for the duration of my trip. You might ask why I didn't go out and buy a wash cloth?? Because they don't use them! So they don't sell them! Or at least not in the places I was looking... Anyways... my soap was getting all soft and mushy... as it does after it soaks in water for too long, and personally I thought it was nasty and sticky. So I was in heaven today when I got to soap up my wash rag and have a proper shower!! My rag got rid of the softness of my soap, and now it is a proper hard bar of soap! Yippee!
Also, while my bed in Aberdeen isn't nearly as comfortable as the ones that I've been sleeping on cuddling up with my down comforter was amazing last night, and it made me very happy. It was nice to get to play on my computer and relax for the day. My only complaint with Aberdeen is that is was SNOWING here today! Boo!! Go away snow! I wish that it was warm here like it was in Barcelona and Madrid! It was in the high 60s and 70s there. :( It's like 38 here. For all of the non-American's reading my blog it was 20-25 in Spain, and it's about 4 or 5 here (Yes Michael you're welcome).
And another horrible event is going to occur tomorrow.... CLASS! Dun dun dun! Whatever I am going to do? I haven't made class in about a month now! I hope that I am able to find all of my classes tomorrow... haha. Some of them I had once a week before so I'm still a little sketchy on where the rooms are, because I visit them so infrequently!! Ah! Hopefully it'll all work out. Well good night blog readers! Hope everyone has a good day. :)
Monday, April 19, 2010
2024 In Review
I love making these year in review blogs. I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years. It's such a nice summary of...
The night before our cruise we stayed at Dania Point like we have in the past at the Hyatt. We got there and tried to go swimming but the p...
This was our first trip on Symphony of the Seas and we were really excited to try out this ship. We were doing the same itinerary as last Ma...
Cody and I went on our second cruise this year from May 27th to June 3rd. Our first cruise was on Carnival's new ship Vista, and this ...