Ok so to start off Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! My Valentine's day hasn't been too horrible so far. The girls and I went out to see the movie... Valentine's Day... haha creative title right?? But it was a really cool movie to see on Valentine's Day, but it kinda depressed us all because we were all like awww well that movie kind of sucks because it made us all wish something special would happen to us tonight, but of course nothing has... Jessie did buy me a candy bar today :) Sadly, I'm pretty sure she's the only person besides my mother that has ever gotten me anything on Valentine's Day. So yes, thank you Jessie for making my life complete now. :)
But in all seriousness the movie was really funny, it was better than we expected it to be. The bloppers at the end were probably my favorite part. Taylor Swift's character was really bad, I didn't enjoy her character much... but she did debut a new song in the movie that I liked a lot!! And we can't forget about Taylor Lautner... who is always adorablely cute... I have to say though, I liked him more in New Moon. Both Taylor's had a pretty small role in this movie... besides making out with each in every scene they were in haha. But yes Jacob = Better. But that's a given... so I don't know why I even mentioned it haha.
On the way to the movie it started to rain! And I was amazed! I finally caught the rain! Everytime I walk outside the sidewalks are ALWAYS wet... however I NEVER see it raining! So today was a grand moment for me... I think I might have even literally evilly laughed and said muahahahaha rain I've caught you, because it never fails to amaze me when I walk outside and the sidewalks are constantly wet yet I very rarely ever see it rain.... I've literally never been here a day when the sidewalks were dry! I guess the rain decides to go off in spurts when I'm not around or something...
After the movie we had a GRAND dinner... McDonalds style. I know, be amazed. I actually ate there and only complained a little bit. However, it was probably the most arkward McDonald's experience ever for me, because the girl took my order and then I just kind of stood there... and stood there... and stood there... I counted 15 people get their orders and go off to sit down, and there I was just arkwardly standing there waiting... not quite sure what to do. I know the girl that took my order felt arkward too because we were just kinda standing there smiling arkwardly at each other occasionally giving each other the nod. She even tried talking to me, but she had such thick Scottish accent I couldn't understand her... so I had to lean waaay in, and be like eh? What was that?? She'd repeat herself and I was like errr?? And I'd move in even closer and go one more time. We proceeded on like this until she looked back in the kitchen and was like... So how's that order coming?!?! Haha. I guess the guys in the kitchen forgot that I ordered, because when she said that they put my order in and I got it in about two minutes later... but boy was it the most uncomfortable experience I've had ordering food here haha. And what did I order that was so complicated you ask?? Double hamburger and fries. I know... the no cheese part always throws them off hahaha.
But yes... I'm off to teach the world Back Alley. It is going to be a growing sensation world wide! Have a good Valentine's Day!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
2024 In Review
I love making these year in review blogs. I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years. It's such a nice summary of...
The night before our cruise we stayed at Dania Point like we have in the past at the Hyatt. We got there and tried to go swimming but the p...
This was our first trip on Symphony of the Seas and we were really excited to try out this ship. We were doing the same itinerary as last Ma...
Cody and I went on our second cruise this year from May 27th to June 3rd. Our first cruise was on Carnival's new ship Vista, and this ...