Yes that is right... you are getting TWO blogs today! I decided to make two because it was so hard to add pictures in, and also I have a ton of pictures!! This pictures are in opposite order of when I took them, because of the way the blog makes me add them. Perhaps I'll get smart and in the future I'll load them onto here differently! But for now we'll go in reverse order!

I saw this sign today while walking back to my flat, and I thought it was really funny!!! The walk back to my flat is extremely long!! It was not fun at all! Every other time that I had gone to my flat I have been on a bus, and today was the first time I was walking to my flat. I was trying to read my map, and ended up walking in the completely wrong direction for 15 mins. So it took me forever to get back to my flat!! I might just buy a bus pass so that I can just hop on the bus whenever I want to.
The pictures coming up are all on my campus on High Street. High Street is the historic part of the campus. My friend Julia and I had some spare time and were walking around it today. She is really big into Medival times and she studies art history so she was telling me a lot of cool stuff about the things we passed.

This door made me feel incredibly bad @$$! It is a building that I am going to have my classes in and it's called New Kings. These doors automatically openned, and I was so excited by it. I felt like someone was opening the doors inside of a castle to let me inside.

So I stepped back and walked up so I could get a picture of it in motion!

This is the Scotland Unicorn

And this is the British Lion. They are outside of the doors.

This is a church on campus. It kind of puts BG's to shame! I've yet to go inside of it.

This is the Aberdeen walkway/crest. I think it's very cool.

This is my friend Julia in front of the crest. You can see it better I think.

Okay say this name outloud to yourself. It's "Old Town" Cafe. Julia pointed that out to me. I had a chicken meat pie there that was really yummy for lunch!!

Julia again. This is in a walkway around campus.

This is a picture of just the walkway.

This is right before that walkway. It was a random shield colored into the stone. Oh that reminds me everything on campus is made of granite. If you ever want a tombstone you want it made out of granite, because marble gets worn out by acid rain... therefore granite ones last longer. -Julia Tip

This is just a building on campus. We had so much extra time today because my classes got messed up. My advisor apparently is new, and I guess she wasn't completely sure on what she was doing when she helped me set up my classes. She gave me classes that only ran last semester. So today Jessie and I walked into classroom (after struggling a ton to find it!!) and no one was in the room. It was completely empty with no lights on. So we went to the study abroad coordinator lady, and she helped us get all setup. The good thing is that we didn't miss any classes at all. So that's good. Also the phone guy last night was wrong when he told us that we would have 300 free minutes automatically. Apparently you have to top up in order to get those benefits, and even though we put 20 pounds on our phone that was only just to establish our phone, and it's not considered a top up... so we won't get those minutes until we top up when we run out of minutes. So yeah. People not knowing what they're talking about is sadly seeming to become a theme for me, but hopefully that will all change soon.

This is Jessie and Julia. I just realized that they both have black jackets and I have a white one.

Me and Jessie these pictures were taken on our way to class.

Julia and me. Everyone here says that it only started snowing on Friday, and that it doesn't really snow here much... even though I've never seen it without snow.
This was at dinner the other night. We went to a Chinese place, and they placed our food on heaters to keep it warm. We scooped the food we wanted out, and then we left the rest on the heater. It was really nice there, and the three of us bonded a lot there.
Here I am at the restaraunt.

Jessie. I actually tried one of her egg rolls, and it was actually not too bad! But I don't know if I'll be ordering one up anytime soon.


These are our other friends Elaina and Aftan. They are both from the US, and they go to the same college as each other. These pictures are at the Hub, or our student union.

Julia and Elaina

Jessie and Julia right as we got done eating Subway.
The name of this place really cracks me up! Haha! I guess it's the "Place to be" though. We're going with a big group there tonight to hang out.

Me and Jessie at the Watering Hole

This is a group of us at the Watering Hole. Julia was the only one that noticed I was taking the picture haha.

This is the fully stocked bar at the Watering Hole. It's weird to me that they have a bar like this right at our flat, but yeah they do. They also have official Ale and Malt Whiskey Clubs here too for students to join just like any other campus organization.

Julia and I at the Watering Hole. Wow I've taken a lot of pictures with her! I'll have to take some more of Jessie tonight.
But yeah those are just some snap shots of my past couple of days. Hope you enjoyed! It took FOREVER to load all of those pictures up. I'm hoping I can figure out a better way to do it.