It doesn't snow too often here, but when it does the effects of the snow are felt for a long time, because everything ices over and there is slush everywhere for days! The University gets rid of the ice on most of its main sidewalks on the main campus, but getting onto campus is extremely hard!!!

Okay this is the pathway in Seaton Park. Notice how it's completely clear of ice because it's been salted.

Now here we are getting closer to the giant hill at the top. You have to climb up this hill in order to get to class.

This is the foot of the hill. I swear I see someone wipe out here everyday!!

Yep I only had to stand here for a second! There she went! I'd love to say that on my way down this hill later on in the day that I was super careful and didn't fall down... but NOPE I went down in just about the same area she did! I had almost made it down the hill and I guess I let me guard down. I feel down so hard and I was so taken aback by it. Curse that stupid hill. It got me.

Before you start laughing at me for falling down this is a close up of the ice! If you can see the muddy area on the side that is where I was.

This is a widen up hill view! Can you believe it?? I was so shocked by all of this ice on the hill that I had to take pictures of it! And the part that cracks me up is the flat part leading up to the hill is almost completely dry!

Julia and I have a theory that the reason why the hill isn't salted is because there is a secret camera somewhere catching everyone falling down it. We are looking for the Youtube video "Best of Seaton Park". The day before I took these pictures I watched a guy slide all the way down the hill. He was yelling as he was trying to keep his balance and he almost fell down. He made it to the buttom and kept his balance, and he turned back to his friend and was like "See ya pansy come on down... I made it." And then he promptly fell on his butt. It was really funny, if you'd have been there you know you would have laughed too. But I feel like karma got me the next day when I fell.

This is near the top. I don't know if you can tell but most peope try to walk on the side of the hill off of the path where it's more so just snow, but it's getting super muddy and gross now! But yeah that strategy doesn't always work though, because thats where I was when I fell and I got really muddy because of it :(
This picture was just to give you perspective on how big this hill is... climbing up it will definetely wind you!
Now don't let these seemingly dry treacherous stairs trick you! On our first week here there had been snow, and it was our first time coming through Seaton Park. These stupid stairs totally threw us for a loop, because no one expected stairs to not be salted! So we were just walking casually down them, but within seconds we were all grabbing onto the railing for our lives! Jessie and I both went down along with many other people around us! They were SUPER slippery! I guess they don't worry about lawyers here in Scotland... I know that the sidewalks and pathways in BG would never have ice on them the way there is ice here!

This is the road leading out of Seaton Park that I have to walk down to get ot main campus! Can you tell how it's a PURE sheet of ice?? I give that car props for driving in it so well! It is so hard to walk on ice! My knees have started to hurt everyday from the way that I have to walk arkwardly on the ice. :(

This is the path leading up to my flat. I'm not sure if you can see the brown stuff that they use here or not. It's what they use in replace of salt near my flat. It looks just like dirt to me, and maybe that is what it actually is?? I don't know... but it sucks to have to walk through it! As you can see the ice only melts where the dirt is, but I don't like walking through the dirt! So I end up having to walk on ice anyway! In main campus they actually do use real salt instead of the dirt stuff. I guess this stuff must be cheaper. But I do have to point out that there isn't any ice on main campus, but TONS of ice here!