This is the sink and mirror area
My stove.
This is one of the two toliets in the flat. The other one is next to it. They are really hard to flush!
And now we are moving onto my room!

I have two chairs in my room, and one desk.
My desk, and bookshelf. I have a large board that I can tack stuff to, as you can see I have my dolphin calendar and a map of Aberdeen up now. I really wish I had more stuff to put in my room.
This is my bed. It's changed a little bit since this picture. Before I had to sleep on my New Moon blanket because my pillow was too low, but I went out and bought two pillows for 6 pounds. Yay! :)

Wow it's pretty complicated adding pictures on here! I really didn't expect it to act so difficult with me. Everytime a new picture comes up it goes to the top of the screen and then I have to drag it down! Boo!
I have two chairs in my room, and one desk.
Here are some pictures of different currency. The first two are from Australia, and the others are Great Britain Pounds. I don't have any Euros yet, but when I get some I'll post pictures of them too!
Wow it's pretty complicated adding pictures on here! I really didn't expect it to act so difficult with me. Everytime a new picture comes up it goes to the top of the screen and then I have to drag it down! Boo!