Just like the title says it has been a looong past couple of days! Like I said the other night I went to something called a Celiedh, and it was super fun just like everyone said it would be! When we first got there we went to a refreshment stand. They had pop, a biscuit cookie (bleh! What I wouldn't do for a chocolate chip cookie! the cookies here aren't real cookies at all maybe thats what I'll teach them to bake for my baking club), and about half a shot of different types of Scottish whiskey to try. Then later on in the night they had different types of Scottish foods to try. I ended up getting a beef and potato combination thing. The potatoes weren't quite mashed, but it was all mixed together. It was actually really good. Then I got some weird dessert that had raspberries, yogurt, and whiskey mixed into it. It was a really odd dessert, because you really could taste the whiskey in it.
But the dance itself was a ton of fun! It compromised of Scottish line dances, and they were a lot of fun!! We danced, jigged, skipped, and twirled all around the room. The last dance of the night was all about spinning. There was a long line of two partners facing each other. The first couple in the line started spinning for 16 seconds, then when they were done they went to the next person in line and linked arms with them and span around. Then they twirled their partner and went on to the next person. This proceeded all the way down the line, so you're constantly spinning and running down the line. It was sooo much fun, but it was also sooo tiring. About half way through you were like ughhh wow! Haha. It was a ton of fun though, and I'm glad that we all went to it!
Today I had a free day so naturally I woke up around 9 am. We went to the hub for a campus tour, and we ended up being the only people there so we got our own private tour of the campus. It was pretty interesting. After that I got my student ID card! Yay! And then Julia and I went into town... only we took the LONG cut! Meaning not the short cut, but probably one of the longest ways we could go. After about an hour or so we finally found the bus station, and we bought bus passes. So now I won't have to worry about paying a bus fare everyday! Yay!
I'm excited I have one tutorial tomorrow, but it's canceled and so is the lecture for that class! So that means I don't have anything to do tomorrow until 2 when my first class starts. I think that I'll be sleeping in for the first time since I got here! The pace I've been going at is really starting to catch up with me! I'm soo sleepy, but I'm happy to stay up late because then I get to talk with everyone from home.
Today I literally walked around the city from about 9:30 this morning until about 8 tonight. After that we caught the bus home. So it was a lot of walking, and I was wearing my boots so my feet really aren't too happy with me right now.
We were planning on catching a ghost tour tonight of the city, and we purposely stayed in town about two hours longer than we had to in order to wait for the tour to begin. We asked around and figured out where we had to be to meet the tour, and we waited there... and we waited there... and no one ever showed up. So we went to the bus station to try to catch a ride back to Aberdeen to go to a story telling club meeting, but about 4 buses passed our that were out of service. So we had to wait there for about a half an hour for a bus that actually worked to come.
When we got to the story telling place were about an hour late to it, and they were all on a break. It turns out it's not a very big club it only has about 10 people in it. We stood arkwardly in the door for a while just staring at each other, but eventually the president invited us in and we sat down. After a few minutes they resumed from break and started to tell some stories. It was pretty cool.
But yes, overall it was a pretty good day. I have a couple classes tomorrow and then I'm hoping to get groceries or something. I'm running a bit low on some things. I never really bought too much actual real food, because I was worried about the room in my fridge, but now I'm just going to go ahead and get a couple of things.
Ohh I almost forgot. Julia and I were walking down the street earlier today just talking with each other, and this little Scottish boy turns around to us and says "I love your accent" and I just thought it was the funniest thing. I told him that I liked his too, and then he kind of laughed. It's weird I keep catching myself off guard when I talk here... When I say certain words I use a Scottish accent. I never mean to do it, or plan it... and it usually sucks me when I say it... but every time I say the word sorry I pronounce it sawray, and then I stop and pause for a moment and think to myself did I really just do that? And then I realize that I'm starting to pronounce really as real lay.
2024 In Review
I love making these year in review blogs. I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years. It's such a nice summary of...
The night before our cruise we stayed at Dania Point like we have in the past at the Hyatt. We got there and tried to go swimming but the p...
This was our first trip on Symphony of the Seas and we were really excited to try out this ship. We were doing the same itinerary as last Ma...
Cody and I went on our second cruise this year from May 27th to June 3rd. Our first cruise was on Carnival's new ship Vista, and this ...