This weekend the gang and I all went out to Glasgow!! Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland, and we learned this weekend that there really isn't any reason WHY Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland... It's not like the industrial capital or have any great draw to the city at all... people just decided to come there. Apparently people just decided that they wanted to live in Glasgow and
financial markets grew because of it. Now there is a large night life and shopping industry in Glasgow, and that is what it's known for!

This is Nathan and Jessie at the Chinese Buffet that we went to for dinner. :)

This is Kris and a girl that we met at our hostel. She is traveling all around Europe by herself and meeting up with people in hostels. She has a book that she's having every person she
meets right advice in. This way she'll have advice from all over the world. It's a pretty cool idea. But yes, she's very brave!! I don't think I could do what she's doing, but we adopted her right into our little group and we had a lot of fun for the couple days. :)
I got the waiter to take a picture of us all. :)

This is on the main road in Glasgow! I loved the lights in the trees! It reminded me of the Magic Kingdom :)

This was later on in the night at a pub we stopped in at. We were waiting for Julia to get off of her bus so we could pick her up, and this place happened to be right near it. :) Notice the classy candle in the Morgan Spice bottle
haha. I guess it's cheap decorations?? It was actually pretty cool,
definitely different!

This is Julia holding onto my Flat Danny for me!! I'll make a post tomorrow explaining him! Yikes! I guess I really HAVE been slipping on my blog posts!! Sorry guys!
Haha. But yes this is the museum that we made our
journey to see. It took forever to find this place!! It was in the mist of a park/forest, and it wasn't the easiest place to track down! If we wouldn't have had a Rick
Steves guide we'd have never found it/known about it.

This is a quick picture of the inside of it. The museum was half way made of glass, and it was right outside of the woods. It was done on purpose to be a nice mix of art and nature. The result was a nice effect, but personally I'd rather stare at nature then at art!
Bleh! I am not a huge
museum fan. I'm like the little kid that says "Can we go now? Are we done yet?? Anything else you want to see??"
Haha. Julia and Kris are the ones that I went to the
museum with and they are both art history majors, so I'll walk around the section of the
museum and be ready to go on my way and they'll still be at the same piece. I love them though. Julia is the only person I'd ever want to go to a
museum with, because she's so
fascinating! She knows
sooo much about everything, and she points out things I would have never thought of/considered. So it's pretty cool to go browsing about the museums, but 2-3 hrs is just too much for me! So you can imagine my happiness once we left and walked outside and found.......

COWS! Or as they are called here Highland Cattle! There are BEASTS! I feel like they are some type of creature that I would fight on castle age or a game similar to it! They are really hairy and have huge horns! When I was driving on the bus to Glasgow I was sitting next to a Scottish boy that is from Glasgow, and as we were just casually driving along we passed a field full of these babies, and it was all I could do not to gasp and point at them. I was so shocked to see them. I really tried to restrain myself, because I didn't want him to laugh at me, and be like
awww silly American girl gets excited by the sight of a cow
hahaha. But it was really cool!
Mmm hmm... up close and personal! Don't mind my hair it was SUPER windy out!

Just proof that I did in fact find COWS in GLASGOW!
Haha. Michael will get the reference.

This is Julia and Kris in front of the cows. I did have them line up for a bunch of shots throughout the trip
Here you can see part of the city. I'm not sure if you can tell in this picture of not, but all of the houses and buildings in Glasgow are built out of stone! None of the houses have points or siding it's all stone! Quite a few of them have the red stone that is behind us.

This is the
cathedral in Glasgow. It is the oldest
cathedral in Scotland, and it's the oldest building in Glasgow. I would have taken a better picture of it, but it was under construction on the other side so this picture was the best I could do.

We were able to take pictures really quick so this is a picture of the inside of it. I'm afraid that you can't see the stained glass, but the church was FULL of it. It was really pretty.
Did you know that the difference between a cathedral and a church is that a cathedral is a bishops headquarters.

This is an old map of the area we were in near the

Ah ha! My favorite part! St.
Mungos! I was extremely excited and
geeked out about finding this place and taking a picture by it. For those of you that aren't aware St.
Mungos is the
wizarding hospital in Harry Potter. Here it is a museum of life and art. I didn't really go inside of it, because as I said before I'm not a huge museum person, but it was still cool to take a picture by it! I got teased a lot by Julia and Kris for wanting this picture so badly, but later on when we walked by it again we saw some other people posing by it similarly to me! So HA I'm not the only one

Here is a closer up view.
This is a picture of the whole building. St. Mungo also happens to be the patron saint of Glasgow and he founded the city. So there actually is a praticle reason for this building being here.

Now at first I didn't think that there was anything magical about the building and I was slightly disappointed, although admittedly I don't know what I had expected to find here.... but I was just DELIGHTED when I saw this door! This is the door leading into the building, and if you look closely you can tell that it is full of magical
symbols! SCORE! :)

Moving along into the center of city, in this picture you can see the shopping district of the city!! I tried to take a picture so that you could see just how many people there were on this street but it was impossible. It was a sea of people all the way down the street as far as the eye could see people were jammed back onto this street. It was very intense.

"To Let" Means to rent in Scotland. Jessie and Nathan were joking that it looked like toilet. But despite the jokes these signs were on every single street in Glasgow, and it was quite sad. You can really tell this recession is global. Aberdeen is an oil city, and oil happens to be one of industries that is recession proof, because no matter what people will still need oil and will buy it... so you don't really see too many places closed down and for rent/to sell in Aberdeen, but in a retail based city the effects were wide spread. You literally couldn't walk down a street without seeing at least one to let sign.

On a lighter note... Yes they do exist. I was walking down the street in the day and I saw these three guys stopped for a moment so I took a quite discrete picture of them!!
Haha. Now I won't have you thinking that every guy walks down the street wearing kilts, but it does happen! The first night we got here we saw a man wearing a kilt playing his bagpipe panhandling on the street. I would have taken a picture of him, but my flash would have given me away. Also, we passed quite a few kilt stores while walking around the city!! I'm pretty sure I have a picture of a kilt store a little bit lower in this post.

Now I'm not sure if you can make it out or not, but this building is called "The Light House" Kris and Julia told me that we were going to go to the light house to take some pictures, because the light house offered some great views of the city. In my mind we were going to go to an actual light house, so you can imagine my surprise when Julia turned down this little alleyway and pointed at this building. I had to squint my eyes to make out what this sign said. Guide book or not I have no clue how Julia found this place!!! I would have NEVER found this place on my own.

This was probably the funniest bathroom sign I've ever seen! Julia, Kris, and I were cracking up when we saw this. So of course we had to take a picture!

This is one of my "light house" view pictures.

This picture is really dark, but this is Julia and me!

Julia is going to love me for posting this picture! But she was sitting down on the bench and suddenly she jumped up really excitedly... of course I was like what's going on?? And she said that she finally caught a seagull flying in one of her pictures. Apparently she's been trying to get a flying bird into one of her pictures for quite so time now... So I started laughing and I was like all you had to do was just take a picture of me, and I made my hand into a beak and started squaking like a seagull, and Julia started laughing and she started taking pictures of me! So in return when she started doing it I caught one of her to post on here. I don't have any pictures of me doing this, but I'm sure they'll be on Facebook!! Of course during this whole ordeal Kris was looking at us like we were crazy. We tried to get her to do it too, but she wouldn't hahaha. So not seagull impresonation picture of Kris :( The best part of this was when we were leaving we noticed that there was a CCTV camera behind us. If you look up in the top you can see it in my picture. Of course we busted out laughing. It was around closing time and we were the only people left in the building so we know that the guy at the front desk was probably watching us!! Darn Big Brother Society! Haha
This was a cute little coffee shop that we sat down in for a little while. Places close very early in Scotland. By 5pm on Saturday all of the musuems, shops, and other places such as that were closed for the day. We tried to find a resturant/pub to sit in to get some food... but every single place was packed to capacity. And I'm not exaggerating. We walked up and down the main strip walking into every sit-down food serving establishment that we passed, and none of them had a table open. Apparently once everything closes up people go into a pub and snag their seats for the night, and just sit there and chat and drink all night long. I guess since everything closes so early pubs is the only form of entertainment here. No wonder why people drink so much in these countries compared to the United States.

I had to take a picture of this car! Oh my gosh. I saw so many cars driving past like this that I finally had to take a picture of one. They are hot pink and they look so strange. It cracked me up everytime one passed!

Ah yes. The American woman. This was on front of a candy shop. Now she might be dressed wearing little clothing, but let me tell you what... some of the girls that I have seen here where ridiculously short dresses! And I'm not talking about just one or two, but every single girl that I saw walking down the streets was wearing a really short dress, leggings, and high heels. I felt short of strange to be the only girl (besides the girls in my group) that were wearing jeans! I'd say that the dresses the girls here were wearing is pretty similar to the one wonder woman there is wearing!

This picture does not do this field much justice, but it is enormous! It was bought by the crown for the Scottish people. Apparently to this day any Scottish person that wants to craze these sheep, hang their washing, or etc.. have the right to do so in this huge field. Apparently it's mostly used a large park now-a-days, or for important events. But I thought that it was funny that people had the right to hang their washings or to graze their sheep there!

This was a very interesting looking bridge so I snapped a picture of it. :)