Sunday, March 7, 2010

Castle Age

Caslte Age. That is the reason why you haven't heard from me in a couple days! I haven't done anything extremely interesting lately unless you're into castle age!! My dad got me hooked on this game and I've been playing it a lot! If you're not on it already you should JOIN it and become my part of my army. :) The more people that join it the larger my army becomes which is really good, because I'll do better in battles on the site. So please join... you don't even have to play if you don't want to... just add the app on FB it's really easy!! I've already convinced a couple people to join, and I think I've gotten a couple hooked on it hahaha. :) If you're interested in helping me out let me know and I'll send you the link! :)

I'm excited that I have plans for the next couple of weekends. This weekend I'm going to Glascow and then after that SPRING BREAK! So undoubtedly this is my last weekend of doing nothing and sitting around playing Facebook games!! But no fear faithful Castle Age friends I'm sure I'll still make some time for you haha.

Today I went to the store and then made dinner with Julia. We made a TON of food. We could have definitely fed another person... probably even two more!! Yaaay for leftovers this week :) My computer has been extremely slow today, and I'm hoping that I didn't pick up a virus anywhere.. I'm not really sure what type of virus protection I have on this computer.

Have a great Sunday night!

2024 In Review

 I love making these year in review blogs.  I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years.  It's such a nice summary of...