Thursday, March 28, 2013

Final touches!

We are so excited!!!  Our house is done!!!!  :)  We signed the paper work last night for our mortgage.  We are going on our walk through of the house and then we are getting our keys today!!
You can see that our garage was cleaned out.  We did try to save some spare scraps of carpet in here.  Cody and I dumpster dived to get it, but they threw it away with everything else in there.  Gosh I can't wait to have a two car garage!!  It will be soooo much nicer than having to move cars everyday!
Our stove is in!!  Yippee!
It has 5 burners.  It has three small burners in the back and two large ones in the front. 
Here you can see the inside of it. It had a decent amount of space in it.
Almost everything was fixed in the house.  There were a couple small things that we marked with tape throughout the house, but the main thing that upset me is my carpet in the basement was still dirty!  Tim has assured me that it has been cleaned, but you can see that I marked every step where the dirt was.
I also marked every spot throughout the house too haha.  Tim said they were waiting to clean the carpet last in case anyone else came into the house.  I guess that marks sense.  Also, the border dividing the lament flooring and the carpet on the top floor was installed in crooked.  Tim called me and thanked me for noticing that.  He had the guys coming out yesterday to fix it.  He said that he hoped that they would be able to just fix it without needing to order a new piece in, because that piece is currently out of stock.  He said if they had to order it, they would come in and fix it later.  He said it was only like a 15 minute job.  Let's hope that they were able to fix it without ordering in a new piece.
The windows in our bedroom have been replaced.  I think this is the first time I've seen them not broken in this room.
The shower curtain rod is up and ready to go.  We were excited to see that they put this into the house.
They have begun to dig the lot across the street from us.  I'm sure that house will go up real quick.  They only have 3 lots left in our development that are not sold yet.
Yesterday Cody and I went to NVR Title Agency to fill out our mortgage paperwork.  There was a lot for us to sign, but it was not as bad as the original time that we met with Keith and had to submit the paperwork to get approved for the loan. 
The door was really easy to find.  Right as you walked in, it was on the right.  We were there for about a solid 30 minutes signing various paperwork.
I can't believe that today is the day we get our keys!!!  :)  We are so excited.  This whole process has been a great experience.  I'm so glad that we decided to build and select everything out ourselves.  I can't wait until we get to move into the house!!  :)  I'll post another blog later when we get the keys.

2024 In Review

 I love making these year in review blogs.  I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years.  It's such a nice summary of...