Saturday, December 7, 2019

Pregnancy Weeks 32-34

During week 32 baby started to move around quite a bit more!  At night time, she is ALWAYS moving around and Cody can pretty regularly feel her moving now.  This week I ordered my breast pump from Medela and started getting things more organized in her room.  During our doctor's appointment this week baby was measuring right on track and her heart rate was around 140.

Later that week, we had to go to down town Cleveland to Rainbows to get a fetal echo on her.  We had to do this because I was born with a hole in my heart (VSD) and had to have heart surgery when I was a baby.  So they wanted to check her out to see if she had anything.  Basically, we had an ultrasound on her where they focused on her heart, but at first they showed us her face.  First thing, they pulled her up and the tech told us that she had a ton of hair and chubby cheeks.  The tech points and goes "Oh look there's some hair on her." and then she zooms out more and goes "Oh WOW!  All of that is hair!  Looks like she has a ton of it."  So that was funny.  I bet that she has Cody's hair.  I'm expecting her to come out with a head full of dark hair.  After that, the zoned in on looking at her heart and they looked and took pictures of it for a little over 30 minutes.  At the end, the doctor came in and told us that in one of the first pictures they took, they thought that they saw a potential small VSD.  However, he said that he kept looking for it again and never did see it on any more pictures or when he looked in person.  So he thought that maybe the first picture he saw was "an article of the ultrasound" or basically a mess up in the ultrasound.  But they want us to bring her in when she's a week or two old to have another look at her heart to see if they see it.  He said that what he saw initially was pretty small and that it might not even need surgery and could heal on it's own.  Fingers crossed that she doesn't end up having what I did!  I was hoping that they would just clear her... poor baby.


We weren't home very much during week 33, because we went back to Hancock for Thanksgiving.  We were able to see the family and have dinner at Krista's.  Krista and Deb were able to feel the baby move while we were there!  She's still kinda stubborn and has performance anxiety to move for other people.  Above is my 33 week picture of me at our baby shower at Lydia's.  We were able to get the back room and had a since set up.  Baby really popped this week!

We had a ton of food at the shower!!

Rick with his sisters.

 Deb, Robin, and Erica

Picture of some of us while we were eating.



The girls hung out in the back room at the baby shower, and the guys hung out and chatted at the bar.  Cody wanted to have a coed shower so that he could see some of his friends while we were in town.

He did pop into the back room to watch presents being opened.  Kelsie was my faithful present writer and wrote down what we got from everyone.

Here's one of opening presents.

Cody's aunt knits and made us a cute baby outfit.

 Amber gave us Amelia's adorable coat that I've always loved!

So thankful for these girls and how much they cared to throw us a baby shower in New York.  We really appreciated everyone coming out and celebrating with us.

Week 34 was ALL about getting the stuff left from our baby shower.  When we got home, I went to Target and bought most things left on our registry.  When I went to check out, my 15% registry coupon didn't work!  So a manager ended up helping me and gave me 15% off my whole cart full of stuff vs just my registry stuff!  So lucky me!  I also bought everything left off our Amazon registry this week.  So basically all this week, we've been coming home to package after package.  I had a doctor's appointment this week, and basically everything looked good for me and the doctor said that I seem to be having a nice healthy pregnancy.  She also gave me props for only gaining about 20 lbs during my pregnancy.  She said that I'm at a point where my uterus is too big to allow me to gain much more weight, so she's really happy with where I'm at.  The only thing that was odd is that baby is now measuring big!  She was measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule during this appointment!  So because of this, we are going to get another ultrasound of her.  The doctor said that ultrasounds are expensive and insurances don't like to have done for no reason.  So since the baby is measuring bigger than expected that gives us a reason to get to have another ultrasound.  So we will get to do that on Christmas Eve!  Early Christmas present for us!  And this week there's no doubt that baby is moving... moving... moving...  My mom was able to feel her moving for the first time this week and she was very excited.  I have started to have some problems this week... my right hip has been hurting SUPER bad.  So bad, that I actually was hardly able to even walk on Friday.  Whenever I took a step it was hurting really badly.  And I'm really nervous that this is going to be an on-going thing for the rest of my pregnancy.  Luckily, today (Saturday) when I woke up it wasn't as painful as the day before... so I'm hoping maybe it will go away.  I called my doctor and they said it could be because my pelvis is expanding to prepare for birth so it could cause my hips to hurt or it could be the way she's laying too.  They told me to see if it gets better over the weekend and if not, then I'll have to come in on Monday for them to examine me and see if I need to go to a chiropractor or do physical therapy.  Ugh!  I so hope that I don't.  I ended up buying a pregnancy belly support belt that is supposed to come in tomorrow... and that is supposed to help take pressure off of your backs and hips.  So hopefully that will help me!

2024 In Review

 I love making these year in review blogs.  I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years.  It's such a nice summary of...