Monday, December 30, 2019

Week 37 and 38

Week 37 was the week of Christmas!  So obviously it was a very busy time!  We told our family Kayla's name at Christmas time.  I had gifts from her for both of my parents.  I was really excited to get a Minnie and Mickey for Kayla at Christmas, and we got a really nice baby book that I'm going to start filling in soon!  Plus dad made some really nice pictures to hang up in her room so I'm excited to get those up.

On Christmas Eve, we got to have an ultrasound of the baby!  The doctor thought that she was measuring big so they wanted to see how big...  Well... they were projecting her at 7 lbs 10 ounces during the ultrasound!  So looks like we are expecting a big baby!  At that appointment, my cervix was 1 CM dilated and was soft.  That kind of surprised me, because I hadn't really noticed a ton of contractions prior to this.  My doctor told me that they would give me an option of getting induced during week 39 if I want.  Which... I'm pretty sure that I do!  I'm a planner and I like to have a date set.  As a matter of fact, I was hoping that I was going to get to pick a date today during our appointment, and I was really disappointed to not get to.  I was hoping to have a date and be able to decide that Jan 3rd would be my last day of work...  which I still might do!  Only now I have to wait until next Tuesday for my next appointment, and then to get a date.  The doctor checked my cervix today and apparently I'm 2 CM dilated and it's very soft and baby's head is pressing against it.  So she said basically any day now!  So we're officially on baby watch.

Night time has been more and more uncomfortable.  My bladder basically ALWAYS feels like I need to go to the bathroom... and it's pretty uncomfortable... but I knew from my class that as the baby got bigger and started to drop more that the room for my bladder was going to get smaller and smaller.  My contractions have also amped up!  I've noticed them quite a bit more the last week or so. 

Cody, my mom, and I did a ton of work this past weekend to get ready for baby even more.  We cleaned up my computer room (which was a disaster before, but is MUCH better now).  And we cleaned up her swing and got it put together, and I got my breast pump sanitized and put together.  I even tried it out to make sure that it worked!  Which it did!  I even got a small drop out after pumping for a minute or two tonight.  I finished up the course that Becky sent me about baby sleeping, and I've made great progress into the "What to Expect in the first year" book.  I'm at the point, where I've read months 1-3 and then all the "general" sections.  So if I don't finish everything else completely it won't be that big of a deal.  I'm trying to get through half a chapter to a chapter a day, but it's super slow going..  I'm even a fairly fast reader, but it is just taking me forever to get through this sucker!  I also went through "Breastfeeding University" course from Medela, but honestly it wasn't all that helpful.

The last thing that needs to be done is our kitchen sink getting changed out.  Cody's off the next couple of days so I'm hoping that he'll get to it.  We got a new faucet that can be turned on by touching it... plus it has a head that pulls out and sprays.  Our current one is pretty basic, and I'd like the new one up to help with bath times/cleanups with the baby.  But overall, the "to-do" list that is left is pretty minimal and only have a few minor things left on them.  Phew!!!  So now all we need is baby!  Nest is ready!  Come whenever you want baby!  :)  I can't wait to snuggle her!!  I'm really looking forward to cuddling her during the "golden hour" after child birth, and I'm sooo ready for her to get here!

2024 In Review

 I love making these year in review blogs.  I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years.  It's such a nice summary of...