Sunday, October 25, 2020

Kayla 9 Months Old


Kayla loves to play with her Lovevery toys!  But she wasn't able to figure out how to put the balls into the hole this month yet.

Here is a rare day that Kayla enjoyed being in her jumper.  Now that she's an expert crawler, she hates being confined in her jumper.  Often times she'll cry and want out so that she can get into things.

Pretty baby girl!

Kayla is getting really good at standing up on things!  And she has been also standing on her own too!

Me and my girl!  She's such a little cutie!

Here is Kayla on her first picture day!  She has SO many adorable Halloween outfits this month, and everyone at the daycare thought she looked so cute!
Here are the proofs from her school pictures.

Next one...

Mug shot!

 This is my favorite one!  The package for these pictures are a little bit pricey so I'm not sure yet if I'm going to get any made or not.  If I did, I'd probably get this one.

Kayla loves climbing all over daddy!  He bangs his hands against his chest and tells her to come and get him.  She crawls over and starts to beat him up, and play.

Kayla loves to play peekaboo with the couch.  She'll lower herself down and then pop back up and squeal at me to look at her when I'm in the kitchen.

Kayla loves to stand up on things and when daddy or mommy is laying down on the couch she'll come over and screech at us to get up and play with her.

 My baby girl!  She gets close up to mommy.  She LOVES watching videos of herself on my phone, or watching me play a game on my phone.  I have a prize wheel in my game that comes up every few hours and it spins around and gives me a prize...  I always say "Here we go, here we go, here we go... what are we going get?"  And she gets super excited by it, and loves watching the wheel spin.

Kayla can say da-da-da and hi now!

She still likes her Elmo table.

She also likes to get into everything that she can!  She is particularly known for trying to grab wires, the cat food, and roomba! 

Or basically anything out of the ordinary on the floor.... here she is playing with a cereal box.

 Poor baby had her first ear infection this month.  Daycare called me on 9/24 saying that Kayla had a fever and that we had to pick her up.  This completely shocked me, because I thought she was fine before this. So Cody took off work and went to get her.  He ended up having to stay with her the next day too, because she had a fever and wasn't feeling good all weekend.  We were really worried about the fever and didn't know why she had one.  We called her doctor and they said that we'd have to take her to a fever clinic to get her checked out, but that is where they are sending all the people with suspected Coronavirus cases to!  We honestly thought that she was teething so we didn't want to overreact and take her there if she didn't need it.

She was chewing on anything that she could get her hands on and her front two teeth were coming down, so we thought she was just teething.  But then the following Tuesday her daycare called and said that she was being unusually cuddling and rubbing at her ear.  So I got her an appointment to see her doctor, and sure enough the poor baby had an ear infection in her right ear.  She hated taking her medicine too.  It was a morning and nightly battle to get her to take it.  We tried feeding it to her on a spoon... which she sometimes would take, but other times we had to just hold her head still and force the medicine down.  Poor baby.  She hated it. 

My girl was rocking her Halloween outfits this month!  I think she probably had at least half a dozen outfits or now. 

Aren't those Halloween socks adorable?!?!?  Oh yeah and her smile is adorable too hehe.

Her new thing is month is to fall asleep while eating in her highchair... I guess eating tires her out.  She has started to eat more and more finger foods this month.

She can stand up now on the chair and get Cosmo.  He goes to the farthest point of the chair away from her that he can.

Poor Cosmo!  She can grab him now!

She also gets into EVERYTHING!  She keeps going for the cat food, so we had to put up a blockade to keep her from getting into it.  She is also hilarious when she starts to crawl.  Sometimes she'll crawl with a purpose and she'll slap the ground hard and then take off.

Something really fun we did this fall was go apple picking with Hannah, Kyle, and Maia!  Apple picking was actually waaay more fun than I thought it would be!  The boys were all about climbing up and trying to get the best apples, and the girls were all about getting the best pictures that we could!

Kayla LOVED eating apples!  I took a bite out of the apple and let her eat it afterwards.  She had apple juice all over her face!  She was loving it!

Here we are trying to let Kayla pick an apple.  Most of the apples (especially the good ones) were up pretty high so us girls couldn't really get too many.

Family picture apple picking!

Here is Cody haphazardly trying to get an apple in the middle of a tree.


Best friends!

Mmmm give me that apple momma!

Look at her dig in!  She has like apples ever since.  I've been giving them to her at home some too.

I was so nervous to put her up here!

Look at my happy baby!

The apple picking crew!  We had such a fun time!
Here are the girls playing while we were hanging out afterwards.

Maia is such a good sharer!  She brought out her peekaboo bear for Kayla.

Kayla absolutely loved this bear!  She was smiling so big and giggling at it.  She loves peekaboo.

Cody was eating apple pie and gave Kayla a bite of it!  Here is bite one...

Here is bite two...

Here she is about to attack him for another piece.

Yes I want more of that!  So I think it's pretty obvious that she liked the apple pie!

Hannah got out Maia's water table for the girls to play with.  I'm going to HAVE to get Kayla one of these!  For next summer.

Even this year she was splashing and playing around in it. I also got her a really cool kiddo pool for next year!  I'm excited for her to get to try it out.

That same weekend, we all went to Mapleside Farms!  It looks like a really fun place for future years, but Kayla was a little small this year to do a whole lot besides take super cute pictures!

My cute little pumpkin!

Here we are posing on the hay with the pumpkins.  I was planning on just having her up there, but I was nervous that she'd fall off.

Standing up on a pumpkin.

Daddy and his girl!

Here are the three of us against Mapleside's giant pumpkin wall.

I adore these pictures of her!

My curious baby!

Such a cutie!

What a cool cat!

I think this is my FAVORITE picture of her!  I'm getting this one printed out!

This was one of Cody's favorites of her!

Here are the girls on the hayride.  We weren't by anyone so we had our masks off.

Here are the guys on the other side.

Look at those teeth marks!!  Girl bit right into my arm like I was an apple!!

Kayla also started to walk a little bit on the furniture and with her little walker this month.

2024 In Review

 I love making these year in review blogs.  I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years.  It's such a nice summary of...