Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Making a list, Checking it twice

With only 8 days until my trip I'm trying to make sure that I don't forget anything! I haven't started officially packing yet, but trust me it won't be long now!! I've been looking at Rick Steve's packing list and it seems like it's pretty thorough! I have a couple of things that I need to add to it. Like finding a mini-foldable hair dryer! I can't stand sleeping with a wet head, so that is essential for me to find one! Also I need to make sure that my laptop is updated with my music, and that I know how to work my new camera and webcam.

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera battery on my trip with my dad so we don't have any pictures from it. I was really looking foward to taking pictures from our cabin, and in Savannah, but oh well what can you do? I'll just have to start taking a bunch of pictures with it throughout this week and weekend. I'm hoping to get the hang of it before I get off my flight for my 6 hour layover in London!

My mom and I decided that I'm going to buy a bedding set from Aberdeen (the school I'm going to), because it's going to be a lot easier to just get the stuff from them, rather than trying to stuff it all into my suitcase! I have enough stuff that I need to pack that is more important then that anyways. BUT I have decided that I am going to smuggle my favorite pillow into my luggage somehow! I can't imagine 5 months without it!! I also have a couple of soft cuddly blankets that fold up pretty small so I'll easily be able to fit them in too.

If anyone has an experience with packing for trips, and they think that something else should be on my list that isn't please let me know!! I don't want to forget anything, because it would suck to have to buy it there.

2024 In Review

 I love making these year in review blogs.  I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years.  It's such a nice summary of...