So this is my last weekend in the US for a while, so I decided to go down to BG to visit all of my friends. I was originally planning on staying up in BG for Friday and Saturday, and then coming home on Sunday to see the family, but on my way to BG I talked to the other girl going to Scotland with me (Jessie), and she told me that we were supposed to turn in paper work for our finanical aid to tranfer. We never received or filled out any paperwork, so we were both a little bit concerned. I got to BG right around 5 (when all the offices closed) on Friday so I decided to stay in BG until Monday to make sure that everything got worked out!! It was too important to try to straighten out over the phone. I was really sad to not get to go home and visit everyone though :(
But I'm having fun in BG! I'm trying to figure out how to work my new camera!! The only thing that I kinda might not like about it is that it has a really bright flash!! And if you know me, then you know I am an avid blinker when flashes go off hahaha. But I'm hoping it won't be a huge problem. It looks like it takes really really good pictures. :) It has a lot more features than my old camera so it's pretty cool.
But yeah being in BG this weekend has been pretty fun. It's good to get to see all my friends and hang out a little bit before I have to leave! But the next couple of days are going to be full of hard core packing!!! I feel sort of bad that I'm procrastinating packing so much, but I've been pretty busy. Luckily I'm not leaving on Wednesday like I originally thought I was. My plane actually leaves later on Thursday night.
But... until I get to all of that... I'm really excited about Desperate Housewives tonight! My friend Rodney doesn't know it yet... but he's watching it with me tonight haha. Speaking of my friends I'm going to end my post soon so that we can go and play cards. Yay for finding friends that like back alley!!! I've been in my full glory this weekend, because we've been playing so much :) I'll probably post some pictures with my new camera Monday night or Tuesday.
2024 In Review
I love making these year in review blogs. I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years. It's such a nice summary of...
The night before our cruise we stayed at Dania Point like we have in the past at the Hyatt. We got there and tried to go swimming but the p...
This was our first trip on Symphony of the Seas and we were really excited to try out this ship. We were doing the same itinerary as last Ma...
Cody and I went on our second cruise this year from May 27th to June 3rd. Our first cruise was on Carnival's new ship Vista, and this ...