Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Fall 2024

We had a great Fall 2024!  We were very busy girls and did a lot of fun things! 

Halloweekends with Maia!  The weather was still great!

Our Lion King Disney Dinner night with Abby!  They are painting their pride rocks.

They made lion pizzas.

Kayla's Lion!

They made fruit bugs!

Fruit bugs!

More fruit bugs!

We had brownie grubs for dessert.

Chuck E cheese with Gigi!

She got a top shelf prize.

Happy girl!

Getting her prize that she's worked for.

Kayla and the last dragon action figures.

Different day at Chuck E Cheese with her friend Ana.

Dancing with Chuck E.

We went to the zoo with our neighbors.  I loved seeing the baby gorillas!  I can't wait to watch them grow up and play with each other.

Looking at animals.

Kayla and Savannah.

The kids loved running up to play on this slide area.


The neighborhood gang.

Back to Chuck E Cheese with sarah!  We made good use out of our pass.

Next day we went to the North Olmsted one with Maia.

I love playing pac man!

Girls were sily and running around.

They love this carousel.

Back to Halloweekends with Sarah.

Girls had a fun time together.

Sarah's whole family was with us and baby Hannah went on her first ride...the carousel.

Sarah and her mom.

Back to chuck e cheese.  If you wore your costume you got 500 free tickets.

Kayla in her princess poppy outfit.

The wig was itchy but she wanted Chuck E to see her in her whole outfit.

We got Halloween dip and dots but Kayla didn't like it.

Back to Cedar Point with her baby.

Watching the snoopy show.

She loves the Snoopy shows.

Kayla and Sarah dancing.

We went with papa to the Cuyahoga Valley National Park Railroad.

Mama and Kayla

We went in October but it had been warm and the trees hadn't quite changed yet.

Cool chick!

Kayla changed costumes at Chuck E Cheese so she didn't have to wear the wig.

Sarah and her family.

Another top tier prize!

She LOVES this unicorn light!  So glad we got it when we did because they are sold out of them now.

We went to Ramseyer Farms with her friends.

Playing in the corn chute with Sarah and Audrey.


Giant corn pit fun!

She loooved the slides this year and even went on her own!

All the school girls.

Playing spider!

Hay ride!

Ana and her mom

Sarah and her dad

Kayla and I!

All of our on the swing.

Best buddies!

Love this picture!

We were lucky to get this one because the girls were getting a bit restless.  Kayla had a hard time through dinner but I think she was over hungry and tired at that point.

Next day we went to a little farm in North Royalton to do our annual apple picking with our girls twinning.

They had a little mini hayride.

And they had DYI  Halloween decorations.

It was not the best place/time of season to pick apples, but Maia really enjoyed climbing into the trees to get some.

She was super brave and proud of herself.

Hannah and Maia.

Kayla tried to do it too, but the ladder definitely made her a bit nervous.

We got some apples though.

They weren't the best kind though... You gotta go early in the season for those.

But they still had fun!

In the tree!


Best buddies!

Brave girl!

Getting the "good one" up top!


Hard to eat without your front teeth.

All of us!  It was a cheap and fun place and we definitely wanted to get our annual apple picking in but neither of us wanted to travel very far after having a busy couple of weeks so this place was good.

The next weekend was our Cinderella Disney Movie night at Abby's grandma's house.

They made clocks and had wands.  Kayla loved this wand and played with it for quite a while.

Up close of Kayla's 

They also decorated pumpkins.

We had wedding cake for dessert.

Her grandma had these small little laz e boy recliners that the girls liked.  Kayla was kinda playing in hers while watching the movie.

My mom took Kayla to the North Royalton Halloween Event.

The group of people.

We went to Trick or Treat Fest with Nana.

This was the lady that does our summer events.

Trick or treat time!

Family picture.

Kayla and Daddy.

Cody and I.

Cody and Deb.

Deb and I.

Kayla and Nana.

They were starting to get ready for the Christmas lights.

Halloween party at school.

With my girlies!

The kids loved the tattoos that they had.

The snacks they had were so good.  I loooved their idea with the apple nachos.  It had sliced apples and then drizzled caramel on top and had chocolate chips on top.  I absolutely loved this dessert.  Such a fun idea!

Everyone drawing on Miss Sammie.


Kayla and Maia at Chuck E Cheese later that night.

Mom won tickets to see Simone Biles Gold Over America tour.

Kayla and Papa.

Kayla and Gigi.

Kayla with papa and Gigi.

Kayla with mama!

She loved her American flag that Gigi brought.  We had a really good time watching the show.

It was a good performance with a bunch of different gymnastics doing tricks.

I wouldn't say that it was overly focused on Simone.

It was a cool experience that I'm glad we got to do.

Halloween time!  My Princess Poppy!  Kayla loved troll this year and she was all about being Princess Poppy.

Kayla and Ana!

Mommas and their girls!

Dad came to pass out candy for us.

Kayla did my makeup for me before we went out haha.

Ana and her mom.

Dad!  Our faithful candy passer outer.  I think that he has a lot of fun passing out the candy to the kids.

We went out with the neighborhood crew to pass out candy.

Kayla was ALL about it again and was on the run around the development.

Justine helping Paxton while the big kids ran to the door.

Some of the kiddos!  We forgot to get one with Savannah and Madison but they were with us too.

We closed out our fall season at Cedar Point.  We went with Sarah and a new friend that she made named Charolette.

Kayla's favorite!

Had to go on the sky ride.

The girls all got along really well and Kayla actually really liked Charolette a lot.  We had a fantastic fall with a lot of friends and family.

2024 In Review

 I love making these year in review blogs.  I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years.  It's such a nice summary of...