My sweet happy baby!
Mommy loves cuddling with her sweet baby! I enjoy our cuddles throughout the day. Baby has been having a hard time napping this month unless she is cuddled in someones arms. She prefers sleeping on her tummy, but I know that this isn't a safe way for her to sleep unsupervised.
My sweet, beautiful, baby girl!!
Kayla enjoys tummy time on daddy's stomach. She is getting really strong and can hold her head up pretty well!
Kayla's "spot" is on our chase. We sit her there throughout the day and talk and play with her. We call her our "happy baby". She coos and smiles while she sits there. She absolutely loves looking at her daddy, and if we're both talking to her there mommy is chop liver, and baby only has eyes for her daddy. 2 months old and she's already a daddy's girl.
We noticed that Kayla has been getting more and more aware of things this month, so we got her a little mobile that goes above her pack and play, and she smiles and enjoys looking at it. We fondly call it the best $20 we ever spent, because it can entertain her for a while and gives u a chance to run around and get stuff done. However, usually after a while she gets overstimulated and ends up crying from looking at it for too long.
Speaking of crying... baby girl has certainly done quite a bit of that this month. She cries unless she is being held quite often. So daddy calls himself the one armed bandit, because he needs to walk around the house doing things with one hand. We think that this is usually because she wants loved or because she has gas. Gas pains have still been a problem for us this month. Also, Kayla wails when she has saline drops put into her nose... which she's had a stuffed up nose for about a week, so we've had to do it to her a bunch of times. She gets such a shocked look and it kind of chokes her a little... and then she just wails. It breaks our heart every time we have to do it to her. Poor baby.
This is Kayla's primary sleeping position. We wrap her up in her swaddle and she sleeps really well. We call her our little Burrito, or that we wrap her up like a burrito. She has been doing really well this month with sleeping good at night. She goes for 4-7 hour stretches at a time initially, and then she'll sleep another 3-4 hours after that. I wake up, and have the light in the room be the TV (because mommy needs to be able to stay up). We get out of our swaddle, eat on one side, get our diaper changed, eat on the other side, and get re-swaddled and go back to sleep (whole process usually takes 50-60 minutes). She normally falls right back asleep, and then mommy stays up to pump milk for about 20 minutes and it normally takes me about 15-30 mins after I'm done to turn off my brain and be able to go back to sleep. This last week, the Coronavirus flu pandemic has sprung up and it's kept me up quite a bit at night worrying about if we are going to catch it and spread it to her. I also still have my ongoing dream that I lose her in my sheets while I'm sleeping, and I dig through the sheets every night trying to find her thinking that she's suffocating in the sheets. This nightmare has happened to me every night since the day she was born!
Here is our fantastic setup. I love her pack and play with the changed connected to it. I love the attachment that we got for it that holds all the things that I need for her diaper changes. The only downside is that she's so tall that she's almost outgrowing it already!!
Once Kayla is done with her bath, I have to move QUICK to brush her hair... or it's stuck like this until her next bath. Girls got hair! And if it's not brushed right while it's wet, she'll have crazy hair!
Here she is doing tunny time on daddy! Look at that big girl!
She's noticing herself in the mirror.
Exciting this month, Nana came to visit! She visited us for a week at our house, and then we went back to her house the next week. So we had lots of nana loving times. It was nice having Deb there as an extra set of hands to watch her and cuddle with her. Deb gave her one of her nick names... Kay-la-la-la-la. Also while Deb was here, Cody and I went out for the first time with just the two of us to find a daycare location for Kayla. Phew! We can't believe how expensive daycare is going to be... the place down the road from us seems like a decent/clean/good learning place and it's going to cost $850 a month!
Aunt Mary came to visit us!
Steph came to visit us. We learned that she is going to have a little boy in July.
Aunt Hannah and Uncle Kyle came over to visit! This was Kyle's first time seeing Kayla.
Baby went to the CASINO! We went to Seneca Allegany on our way back to New York. Nana watched Kayla while mommy and daddy ate, but then baby wanted to eat for the rest of the night and mama stayed in the room the whole time with her.
But how could I mind... look at that sweet little face!
We went back to Hancock in February to meet the family! Here Kayla is with Aunt Sissy. Krista taught us this position to hold her, and now Kayla is liking this position quite a bit. We call it the "Nosey Rosey" position, because she wants to be held out so that she can see.
Davey was so incredibly cute with Kayla! He loves babies and did so good with her.
She was crying while he was holding her, and he stood up and bounced her to calm her down.
Then they laid down with each other and snuggled. He was so proud of himself and it was so adorable!
Kelsie was very excited to see Kayla too and she was good with her too!
Here is Kayla's new position that we realized she loves. Sometimes this is the only position she will lay in to calm down. She loves being bounced and rocked around in this position. We think it feels good on her belly, plus her mouth can drool/suck on your arm. She loves the airplane position.
We went to Ridgerunners for Rick's 70th birthday party. And this was the first time that he and a bunch of our family/friends got to meet Kayla.
I was nervous with all the germs floating around for her to be exposed to so many people. And this was about a week before the news of the Coronavirus broke... so it's a good thing we went when we did, because we wouldn't be able to go now for quite a while. But even without knowing about the upcoming pandemic, I was still very diligent about making sure that people were sanitizing their hands before touching her. I think I was pretty successful too. Cody ended up getting a little sick, but Kayla really didn't get sick. She does have a dry stuffy nose, but I'm not sure if that's from sickness or from dry air. However, besides sanitizing everyone's hands I was trying to be pretty chill about letting people hold and snuggle her. I basically kept looking around for who was bouncing up and down to see who had her, but unless she needed to eat I figured that she didn't need to be in my arms while we were there.

Although that feeding time did take up a good portion of our visit. We were at the party for 7 hours and baby probably spent 3-4 hours eating off of momma. That made it pretty hard for me to socialize, but whatcha gonna do... baby needs to eat! So here we are doing what we do best!
Here she is with Aunt Robin!
Here she is with Poppy.
Aunt Gina
Aunt TT
I love this picture of Kelsie and Kayla!
Here is daddy and baby in her new favorite position. I love this picture of her!
And I love this picture of the 3 of us!
Here is Nana and her grand baby's on her birthday.
Nana and Kayla. Deb said that she is missing Kayla quite a bit now that she isn't with her anymore. We are missing her too, because the extra help was pretty nice for those days that we had it.
My beautiful girl!
Such an alert, happy girl!
Our little Houdini has started to get her hands out of her swaddle sometimes! I'll hear her grunting and rustling around, and when I check on her... she'll have her arms out and she's always wide awake with big smiles on her face.
She also seems to be getting more sensitive to lights. I've noticed that she's started to cover her eyes while she's eating to block out the light.
Kayla loved meeting her Nana this month!
Here's our happy baby in the morning. I love our smiles and coos first thing in the morning.
Kayla on her happy mat.
Our new favorite way to do tummy time.
My sweetness in the morning. I live for her morning smiles. She loves her little mobile so much. It is so adorable watching her play with it.