Thursday, August 22, 2019

Gender Reveal

On August 22, 2019... Cody and I had our anatomy scan for our baby!  I was sooooo soooo excited to find out what we were having!  The night before I could barely sleep!  I kept having vivid dreams... first that we found out that we had a girl and it would feel so real!  Then I'd wake up... and be like ohhh it was just a dream...  then I'd fall asleep again and dream that we were having a boy!  I'd wake up and be like... ohhh just a dream...  and REPEAT!  REPEAT!  REPEAT!  The whole night long!  I was so excited and nervous for our appointment.

Our appointment was at 10:40am, and Cody gets 4 hours off of work for doctor appointments.  He called me at 10am when he left work, and told me that his GPS said he'd be there at 10:46am.  So I go into my appointment, and I was sitting on my own...and it was the first time that I ever prayed that a doctor make me wait a few minutes in the waiting room...  well... no such luck!  At 10:45am they call my name to come back, and I was like... but my husband is only like a minute or two away.  Can we wait for him?  And the woman was like, he'll catch up to us...  So I'm trying to delay and walk slow, and I'm texting Cody like hurry up!  They're already taking me back to the ultrasound room!  So the tech sits me down and starts putting the gel on me...and I was like OH NO!!!  I was horrified that Cody was going to miss any part of the ultrasound!  Then to my immense relief the receptionist lady knocks on the door and asks me if I know a Cody.  And I was like YES!  I do!  Then she went back to get him and brought him in.. he was there in just the knick of time to not miss anything!!  I think that he probably walked in a few seconds after I walked into the back, because he told me that he walked in and all the women in the waiting room looked at him.  He said he went to the receptionist and asked her where I was, and she was like... "Melanie?  Name doesn't sound familiar."  And Cody was like but her name is signed right here on the book...  So eventually they helped him.

So the tech starts the ultrasound and she measures EVERY. SINGLE. PART. OF. THE. BABY.  BEFORE she told us the gender!!  So the whole time I'm antsy to know what we're having, and I have butterflies and I'm excited... meanwhile... baby isn't really cooperating very well to have the pictures and measurements taken.  So I'm like... AH!  Just tell us!  So they looked at her heart first, and I told the tech that I had VSD when I was a baby so she specifically looked at the heart and said that it all looked good to her.  Then she did all kinds of measurements on the baby's head... then moved to the baby's arms... then the abdomen, then kidneys... and at this point I'm like... yay!  I know what part comes next...  NOPE... Skips to the legs and the feet (picture of a foot above)... and I'm like rats!!

Then finally she was like... Ok are you guys ready!?!?  And I was like YESSS!!  And she scrolled over, and I was pretty sure that I was seeing a girl part and sure enough... she goes "it's a little lady" and I was super excited!  I just KNEW for the past couple of months that we were having a girl... I think I would have been surprised if it wouldn't have been a girl honestly.  I can't believe we're going to have a daughter!!   My reaction might have initially been a tinsy tiny bit more excited than Cody.  He had hopes of a boy, but he came around pretty quick... and I know he's just going to adore her.  The rest of the day was a MASS message fest of sending messages to people to tell them what we're having!  It feels so surreal saying girl... she... her.... AH!  Also, speaking of surreal... I have just started to be able to feel little flutters in my tummy that I've been thinking are the baby... so it was CRAZY to see this developed little baby inside of me!  I think it really hit me once the tech zoomed out to get measurements of the baby's spine... and I saw the whole outline of the squirming skeleton!


Little miss was quite the squirm-er today... she did not want to sit still for any of the measurements. I don't think that she liked the wand poking at her (she has tried to run away during both of our appointments to listen to her heartbeat too). Basically any section that the tech was trying to get a picture of, she either moved or blocked somehow.  This is an attempt at getting a picture of her profile.  She kept putting her hand in front of her face too...  And I'm like...  No don't be camera shy baby!!  But don't worry momma will teach you to get over that REAL quick!  Hehe!  After the tech gave up on a certain area because the baby was being difficult... the next minute she would hold still and pose perfectly for the picture.  The tech was like... I guess all I had to do was ask...   Overall it was an incredible day.  The baby ranged in the 52% tile, she weighed 10 ounces and everything looked normal/good on her (Thank God!)  so it was just an incredibly nice and exciting day. I've barely started to show yet, and I'm only kind of feeling her move every now and then... so this really made it feel a lot more real.  I'm soo excited to start looking for baby girl clothes and items!

2024 In Review

 I love making these year in review blogs.  I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years.  It's such a nice summary of...