Saturday, October 4, 2014

Eric Jeffery Charles

Our second nephew was born on July 20th 2014, weighing 9lbs 8oz and was 21.5 in long. 

Meet Eric Jeffery Charles.

 New born pictures!  Aren't those cheeks so adorable??

I think this was one of my favorite pictures.

Sleeping at home with daddy.

Mommy and baby.

 Kelsie watching over him as he's sleeping.

We were hoping that Amber was going to have Eric by the 4th of July so that we could see him while we were there, but he wasn't ready to come by then.  We had to wait just over a month after he was born to make it back out to Hancock.  Finally over Labor Day weekend we were able to see him.  We didn't get into Hancock until about 10pm but Amber and Chance's was our first stop.  This is the picture of me holding him for one of the first times, and I'd like to point out that he is yawning in this picture and not crying.  He was a very sweet baby and really didn't make much of a fuss at all.  That first night Cody and I both snuggled him for a bit while he slept.

The next day Deb came over to see us.  Here she is with Eric.  We ended up giving Amber and the baby a little bit of space and went out to lunch with each other at a new spot in town.

Later on that day we met up at Deb's house.  Here are my two nephews with each other!  Davey was being really good around the baby.  I think he made some of us a little nervous at first because he was excited, but he was gentle and did good with him.  I love this picture of the two of them.

Auntie Krista!  

Who's that??  It's grandma!  I really like this picture too.

My baby holding a baby!  Doesn't he look so sweet??  Love this picture of them!
My turn to hold him!  He's such a little sweetie.  By this time I was starting to get more comfortable holding him.  This is one of the first times that I've ever held a little baby so I was a little nervous at first.  And my arms were hurting!!  I'm going to need to get some more practice in.

Cody and Chance with Eric.  I was surprised by how much Cody and Chance are starting to look like each other.  I've looked through all of their pictures from when they were younger and they never really looked the same, but I think as they are getting older they are starting to look more and more like each other.

Cody and I were kind of like fish out of water when we were passing the baby to each other.  Since we've gotten home we've been holding our cats like babies and supporting their heads as we pass them to each other.  Haha we are goofs... but we have to get practice somehow!  But we were so happy that we were able to go back and see the baby while he was still so little.  We have high hopes that they might be able to make it out for Thanksgiving this year with us, but we'll see.  You can't help it when you hold a little baby it kinda makes you want one.  Cody and I were talking baby names on the way home, but we aren't planning on having any babies for a while!  We have too many places to go first, but after that Eric might get a little cousin.  :)

2024 In Review

 I love making these year in review blogs.  I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years.  It's such a nice summary of...