Sunday, July 14, 2013

Top 10 favorite old pictures

A few weeks ago I saw that my cousin, Hannah, had taken some of her old pictures and made digital versions of them.  And ever since I saw it... I knew I wanted to do it too.  Last night, Cody's Aunt Mary came over and show me some old pictures that she took with her ipad.  This inspired me to go through my old photo albums and take pictures with them with my camera.  I posted about 140 pictures on Facebook, but here are my top 10 favorites.
This picture was the first picture that I put into any of my photo albums.  Whenever I started going through my old pictures it was the first one that I would see, and it has been a long time favorite of mine.  I wish that we would have gotten an updated picture of grandma with all of us when we got older, but this is the best one that I have.  I remember this day, Aaron was playing on my swingset and he got hurt.  That is why he is sitting down in this picture.  The two kids next to me are Phillip and Jessica... Uncle Johnny was dating their mom at the time.  Grandma is holding Hannah, and Shawn is in her other arm.  No one is sure who that other girl is.  I don't think that it's Raquel, but I asked her to confirm.  But regardless I love this picture of us.  I really wish that we could all get a good updated picture of all us together.  I feel like that might have to wait until my wedding or something for that to happen.
 My grandma used to take me to a kiddie pool all of the time.  I have another picture of grandma eating a hot dog here.  Grandma and I used to go out and do all kinds of fun things with each other.  We always went to the pool, the park, out for ice cream, to get Rally's, or Chinese food.  I've always loved how cute this picture is!  It has been on of my favorites of me for a long time.
This is when Aunt Karen first got tequila and sunrise.  I used to love playing with those cats.  I would hunt them down throughout her house and try to play with them.  They HATED me, and until the day they died they would hide whenever I came over to the house.  But look at that innocent smile... I can't imagine why they didn't like me haha.

This is my 7th birthday party.  Grandma brought Katie over.  Katie was my best friend growing up.  I didn't have any kids to play with at my grandma's house when she watched me so I always played with Katie.  I would dress her up in different outfits and walk around with her.  I would always hold her like a baby and she would lay right in my arms, and I'd tell her to "Do the baby" and she'd cuddle up in my arms like a baby.  She was a kisser too.. she loved licking and she'd do it all day if you'd let her.. everyday my grandma would say "No kisses Kate." 

This is Raquel and I at Sea World.  She has a silly face in this picture, but I've always loved it.  Raquel and I spent much of our childhood with each other, and this is one of the few pictures that I have of us growing up.  I think we took all of the pictures that I have of us on this day too.  I wish that we had a picture of us up in the high bleachers at a Ranger basketball game, because we used to go to every game together and hang out up there.  We used to have a lot of fun together.  We used to tell everyone that we were actually sisters, and she stayed over our house enough that people probably would have believed it.  It's sad that we haven't really talked since she moved to Tennessee 5 years ago.

Toby, daddy, and me.  Dad used to love it when I sat on his lap.  Toby was dad's dog.  He never really liked me all that much.  Maybe I annoyed him or something.  He was two when we got him and I think the people that had him before we did had kids that tortured him, so he never really liked me that much.  When we were alone with each other I would turn on our ancient CD player and put in my Celine Dion Cd, and then I would pick Toby up and serenade him.  Dad used to have two old couches and on the one love seat Toby had his butt mark spot where he would always sit.  Toby and I would look out the window and wait for dad to come home every day.  He'd sit in his spot and I'd sit on mine and we'd wait.  I know that dad sure does miss him...  won't he be shocked when he gets a black little poodle from me as his birthday gift this year??

This picture has always cracked me up.  This was my 6th birthday party.  My make up in this picture is hilarious.  I have some cute pictures from all of my birthday parties.  I remember being so excited for my birthday parties.  I would sit in the window and wait for everyone to come.  I think I wore a dress every year when I was little.  It seems like I stopped wearing them when I was 13.  I think I stopped wearing dresses when I got rid of my bangs. Hrmm I looked cute with bangs!  Maybe I'll go back to them...  

This is at grandma's house with Katie and Pup pup.  Katie was the most lovable little dog you'd ever meet.  My cousin, Cathy, got Katie for grandma when I was five. They were best friends with each other for years.  It wasn't until Katie died that grandma developed dementia and went into a nursing home for the first time.  Grandma got Pup pup for me about a year after she got Katie.  Her original name, that I gave her, was Krystal, but grandma started calling her Pepsi Cola, and then it turned into Pup pup at some point.  But regardless of her name, she was always my dog.  She didn't love anyone but me.  She was never a mean dog, but she would hide unless I was there.  She was half weiner dog, and they say that weiner dogs pick one person that they love and that is there person.  Well... I was her person.  She would always come out and play with me, or maybe it was just I could wiggle into her hiding spots and get her to come out.  But in the morning, I would come and lay on the couch to sleep and they would both hop up on my pillow and lay with me until I woke up, and then we would play all day long with each other.  Pup pup was really fast. I was only ever allowed to walk one house away, so I would walk with Pup pup to the neighbors tree and then we would race back to grandma's yard.  She almost always beat me.  I miss my little doggies so much.  I took probably 5 to 10 pictures with me to hang up in college and this was one of them.  I still dream about my doggies all the time, and even after all these years I'll wake up crying cause I know I won't ever get to see them again.
I know that this isn't the best ever picture of my mom... but I've always loved it.  We used to go to Sea World and Geauga Lake every other week.  We used to have so much fun with each other.  My mom never rode any rides because she would get motion sickness, but she would watch me ride them all day.  She would only ever go on the Observation Tower.  But we loved watching all of the shows together.  And we always went to the KFC on the dock at Geauga Lake for lunch, and there were GIANT fish there that we would feed.  We used to have so much fun with each other there, and it's probably why I was so excited to work for Sea World in Orlando.  The first ride that I ever got my mom to come on with me was when the two of us went to Orlando during Christmas time... and it was at Hollywood Studios... the Tower of Terror!  She went on it, and I don't think that she realized that it took you up to the top and dropped you.  The ride drops you and then brings you back up and drops you again and again...  She was screaming and laughing as it was dropping us... it was probably the funniest thing that I have ever witnessed.

This picture is a recent favorite.  I was browsing through a lot of pictures and I came across this one.  This is my cousin, Cathy's baby, Katie.  This was one of the first times that grandma got to hold her.  Grandma's face is priceless.  I just love this picture.  I tagged Cathy in it on Facebook and I hope that she likes it as much as I do.

Well I hope you have enjoyed a run through of my top 10 favorite old pictures!  I'm so excited that I finally took the time to make them digital.  I think that everyone has enjoyed looking through them on Facebook.

2024 In Review

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