Sunday, April 14, 2013

Move in day!

Last Sunday was probably the nicest day of the year so far.  The skies were blue and it was about 70 degrees out.  We couldn't have asked for a better day to move into our new house.  We were really scared, because originally the weather stations were calling for rain, but I'm so glad on how everything worked out!
Here is our great group of movers!!  We appreciate every ones help so much!  We couldn't have moved in without everyone.  Bethany isn't in this picture, but she did a fantastic job taking pictures throughout the day.  When the day first started I told her that I had an important job for her, and I had her grab my camera.  At first I was scared that she wasn't going to be too into it, and only take a picture or two...  but she was everywhere getting all the great action shots!  I think I have about 250 pictures of us moving from North Olmsted into the new house.  She did a great job... I'm super excited to have all of these pictures.  And I'm even more excited that I'm actually IN the pictures.  You can tell that the picture taker new gets in the pictures, because this whole day I think I only got one picture of Bethany, but I'm really appreciative of all the pictures we have.
Here are just some of our action shots throughout the day.  You can see dad and Cody loading up our dining room table.
Here I am with my two aunts that came to help.  :)  Thanks ladies!!
This is the big trailer getting loaded up with all of our stuff.
Special thanks to my uncles that showed up to help!  Here you can see my uncle Jack, and Uncle Johnny.  They were a huge help getting everything into the house.
Here is my Uncle Bobby.  As usual Uncle Bobby was a huge help moving in and out.  I think he and Uncle Johnny carried up a lot my heavy dressers into my bedroom.  Thanks guys!
Getting packed up!
We even put little Bailey to work carrying down all of my Christmas decorations!
I think in the end my car, Cody's, Becky's, Mom's, Aunt Dar's, Bobby's truck, and my dad's trunk were all full of our stuff!!  And we had already taken our clothes to the house!!  Haha!!  It's crazy to think of all the stuff we had.  I'm so glad that we were able to just make one trip.  There are a few small things that we still need to get from the house, but mostly we are fully moved in.
We all left to go to the new house.  Here we are rolling up and getting ready to unpack!
We pulled my car in first, then we rotated Becky's, and then my mom's car up to get all of the stuff out of them.
We only had a couple of hiccups happen throughout the day.  We were extremely sad that our current couch couldn't fit downstairs. We had hoped to move our current furniture into the basement, and then get a new sectional for our upstairs.
But as you can see... no matter which way we tried to turn it or move it... we weren't able to get it down.
We tried taking off the legs and doing everything, but there was no getting it down.  I don't know why Ryan Homes designs homes with such narrow door ways.  It was pretty annoying.
Here is Uncle Jack's... "There ain't no way" pose.

The only"near disaster" involved this safe.  I'm pretty sure that this safe weighs about 500 pounds.  We wanted to put it in our basement, and it was really hard to get it down.  Cody and Uncle Johnny tried to get it down.  They ended up losing it and it barreled down the stairs.  Thank god, Uncle Johnny was able to get out of the way, because it could have crushed him.  I wasn't there when it happened, but I know Cody was pretty shaken up over it.  I'm glad no one got hurt.  The only damage is a hole in our carpet from when it crashed into the floor.  I wouldn't be surprised if our concrete has a dent in it too.  We were just lucky and that it stopped here, and it didn't bounce and go through our wall.  My Uncle Johnny said later that he felt like the road runner running from an anvil coming at him.  I'm glad that he was able to use his cat like reflexes and get out of the way in time!
Once we were done I said goodbye to everyone and as they were leaving I was like "Oh wait!  My bed!"  They almost left without setting up the bed haha.  I'm sure that Cody and I would have been able to figure it out, but I was glad that dad and Bobby could help him do it.  It's been so exciting to sleep in and live in our own house!  :)

Then I had them put my basement door back on too!!  Haha gotta get them while they are there.  Cody has been all about looking at power drills now so that we have one in the house.  Everyone was joking that everyone else has a drill and no one brought one with them.  We could have used it throughout the day.  It looks like we are going to have to go out and get one.
In all it took us about 3 hours to get everything from North Olmsted and into our house in North Royalton.  Thanks to everyone who helped us move!  I made a joke at the end of day that it's a good thing that I decided to move before everyone was too old to help me.  Hopefully we'll be living here for quite some time.  I'm hoping to not move again for a long time.  :)

2024 In Review

 I love making these year in review blogs.  I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years.  It's such a nice summary of...