Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 in Review

Since it is the end of 2012, I thought that I'd look back on the year and talk about everything that happened in 2012.  After that I am planning on writing a blog about my 2013 predictions.  So here are some of the highlights of 2012...

Cody and I celebrated our first Valentine's Day together! These were the beautiful flowers he had delivered to me.  We still have this vase at our house now.

This was the wonderful dinner that he cooked me while I was in class.

In 2012 we went on our first cruise.  We went to the Grand Caymen Islands, Cozumel, Belize, and Roatan.  We loved this cruise and we want to go on another one really badly!  I can't wait until we go again.

I graduated from BGSU after 5 long years!!

Thanks to everyone that came to watch the ceremony and then out to dinner later.  I really appreciate the help everyone gave me moving out of my apartment, and then into the house Cody and I were renting.

Right after graduating Cody and I moved in together for the first time.  We lived in our 3 bedroom bungalow.  It was very nice for us while we were there, but with the amount that we paid in rent it made sense to move out and into our dream home after one year.

I went to China with my dad!  We had a great adventure and I realized my dream of climbing to the top of the Great Wall of China.

Right after I got back from China... Cody and I promptly went to Niagara Falls.  It was Cody's first time in Niagara Falls.  We did the tour under the falls. 

On June 4th I started at Swagelok as a FSG Scheduler.  This was my first rotation at Swagelok.  I reported to Jevon Reile.  I met a lot of people at Swagelok in 2012.  I participated in the Step Challenge and I walked over 10,000 steps a day for a couple months.  I lost almost 20 lbs. during these couple of months, but unfortunately I've gained about 10 back since the challenge has ended.

Cody and I celebrated our one year anniversary together on June 20th!  It was truly a wonderful a year together.

After attending so many country concerts last year... I finally went with Cody to a concert that he was interested in... the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Hannah picked out her wedding dress!  And then we all picked out our bridesmaids dresses.  I can't wait for this wedding in 2013.

My cousin Aaron got married.  His ceremony was in a beautiful church, and the reception was gorgeous.  Jacqueline's dress was very pretty.

Here is the updated sibling photo.  Too bad Uncle Timmy wasn't there to be in it as well.

Here is an updated cousin's picture.  Except Raquel wasn't there either.

A lot of fantastic and huge things happened in 2012, but I think the one thing that is going to impact us the most in the future is that Cody and I decided to buy a house together!!  We are so excited about our new house!!  We can't wait to get to move into it next year!

In Thanksgiving Cody and I went back to Las Vegas.  We stayed in a hotel that was in the middle of the strip.  It was so nice to stay in a central location.  While we enjoyed our trip... I have a feeling that it is going to be quite some time before we head back to Vegas again.

While we were in Vegas we also got to see Criss Angel!!  I've been looking forward to seeing him for so long.  We were both fans of him and it was cool to go to the show.

We also went to the brand new buffet at Caesar's Palace.  It was a 20 million dollar buffet!  It was delicious!!!  They had all the King Crab legs that we could eat!  They were freshly steamed and very good!!  They also had some fabulous dumplings that were super tasty.  One of my favorite parts was their crepe maker!  Yum Yum!

We went on a night club tour as well.  We went to 3 of the top night clubs in Vegas.  Drinks are expensive at them!!!  But the nightclubs were pretty cool to experience.  I had on a new pair of high heel shoes, and my feet were dying by the end of the night!

Last but not least we got to go to the Hoover Dam.  It wasn't too far from Vegas and it was cool to see it.  There was an area that was really suspicious about the place...  not a whole lot to do there, but it was still neat to say we've been there.

Overall I'd say that 2012 was a pretty awesome year.  I can't wait to see what 2013 brings!!  I'm going to post my 2013 predictions soon!

2024 In Review

 I love making these year in review blogs.  I love going back and reviewing them from throughout the years.  It's such a nice summary of...